Programmers fallacies about postcodes:
- A postcode covers a small geographic area
- A postcode is good enough to locate an end user for generating location suggestions
- A postcode will be in a single timezone
- A postcode only has a single state
- A postcode has no exclaves/enclaves
I would like you to meet 0872. Australia's largest postcode (I think), covers 3 states, has two cut outs (Warbuton and Alice Springs), and even still some mail outside of this area is routed via 0872
@xssfox you should look up postcode 7151 - covers 2 continents!
I think we should all try using 9999 as our postcode in the future.
@SuperMoosie @BernardSheppard @jpm @xssfox I vaguely recall that the Canadian postcode for the North Pole is H0H 0H0...
@SuperMoosie @BernardSheppard @jpm @xssfox @Daveosaurus Better than 88888 in the U.S. (though North Pole, Alaska is 99705).