@rbreich While I absolutely agree with the sentiment of this post and the comments about how it should be free as it is required for a large part of the population to literally continue to exist, I'm a bit confused by your definition of "unit", which format of #insulin you're talking about, and where you're getting your data. I'm owned by a #diabetic #cat, so I have the misfortune of paying out-of-pocked prices for insulin. We recently switched from #Lantus to #Semglee, cheaper and biosimilar.
@rbreich My highest cost now is syringes at $20 for 100. @Chai@catgram.co only takes half a unit twice a day, so I'll spend $0.2 for the syringe and $.033 for the insulin, making her total cost per day $0.466. This does not take into account the costs for doctor's visits and syringe disposal.