Journalists: here's how to get your Mastodon profile verified. (Please boost this, people!)
Because Mastodon is self-hosted, the best way to verify your identity is to get the IT department at your org to set up a Mastodon server on your domain. For example, if you work for WIRED, your Mastodon account could be "" It's very similar to how you'd trust an email account. There's an easier alternative, though. 1/3
Setting up a server from scratch might take some time, even if you successfully lobby your org, so here's a much simpler approach:
If you already have an author/staff profile page on, and that page has a link to your Mastodon profile with `rel="me"` on the HTML tag, then you can use that link to verify your Mastodon profile. Technically speaking, this will be *super* easy to get done. 2/3
See the following page for more info on how it works, and share it with whoever manages your organization's website—and feel free to reach out directly if you have questions! 3/3