My main barrier to #selfhosting is a static ip. My ISP charges ~ $75/mo for it and without it some requests are going to fail until the dynamic DNS updates - and it seems my IP changes often.
For something only I use, that's fine, but not for hosting a community service.
So, I pay DigitalOcean $6/mo until I find a better VPS provider and my #Pine64 #Rock64 mostly idles
@jaredmoody centurylink runs fiber to my house and charges $15/mo for static IP (+ $75 initial setup).
Still steep for what it is but much more doable. It's still hard to make the "value" case for self-hosting at that price, though.
@karlkeefer ah, I have centurylink too - I must have read that wrong and the $75 is one-time.
I briefly started looking into tech co-ops providing VPS services. A local company would be cool too.