Today I took my first baby step into the #homelab world! Got a used HP ProDesk 405 G4 (my first AMD machine!) with Linux Mint 22 “Wilma” on it, from our local nonprofit Free Geek
I’ve only 1) built 1 desktop (bought a case + all the components then put them together like LEGOs) 10+ years ago and 2) assembled my Framework 13 in 2023, so it’s all quite intimidating, but this video was so clear and jargon-free that I’d recommend it for all newbies:
@agnes Welcome to the world of homelabs! I love home labbing and I also love Free Geek!
@benmo Thank you so much! My starting point was “what can I buy from Free Geek that will let me build a homelab?”
@agnes Much more prudent than where I started, because I spent a lot more money than that. But YouTubers love those used tiny HP/Lenovo/Dell machines for homelabs for good reasons! Definitely a good pick.